CAS2 V2.1

Cas 2 editor V2.1 relased.
What news?
1. Changed style.
2. Fixed some bugs
3. Added ISN from ECU DUMP function for CAS2 suppoprt ecus.
4. Soft are optimised.
From this version now begin register unit.Software are free dont worry, This its for safety.
After istall software you will see diaglog to register.

Please input right Infos, that infos will use for future updates.After writed all datas press "Register button".
If all okey, you will see this messages:

After that you can on Software "INFO" menu show your license infos.
Also thanks for any help and report bugs.
Direct download link: DOWNLOAD
Download from Website :
You must register to DOWNLOAD the content. The fee is $100.
It is a one-time payment.
Please e-mail: [email protected]
Toil and suffering must be respected!

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