CAS-4/4+ editor (5M48H/1N35H) V1.0
What news?
This soft are for CAS-4/4+ (5M48H/1N35H)! (32KB)
Software can detect crypted or unencrypted version!
What you can see or replace?
If CAS4 are unencrypted version,easy you can change ECU ISN!
If CAS4+ are crypted version,you need decode with ECU ISN then you can replace ECU ISN!
Replace milleage (and show milleage history on eeprom)!
Replace EGS/Remote ID!
Replacelong VIN!
Replace milleage!
Show some info's about CAS4/4+
-Key Freq
-Egs ISN
-Remote ID
-Key Status
All CHK done automatic!!!
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